Capsule (Full commentary found immediately below Lead Picture):
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
We often begin a pursuit without complete knowledge of what it involves.
Lead Picture (Story below in Thumbnail section)
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Eagle nebula
Photograph credit: European Southern Observatory
Read more on the blog www.existentialautotrip.com
The blog? A daily three to four-minute excursion into photos and short texts to regale the curious with an ever-changing and diverting view of a world rich in gastronomy, visual art, ideas, chuckles, stories, people, diversions, science, homespun, and enlightenment.
Observing with wit and wisdom, Dom Capossela, an experienced leader, guides his team of contributors and followers through that world, an amusing and edifying conversation to join.
Note that the blog also publishes the "Hey, Dom!" and the "How're doin?" series of videos.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
We often begin a pursuit without complete knowledge of what it involves.
I decided to create a video series to supplement the blog, existentialAutotrip.com.
Sit in front of the camera and press record.
C’est ça.
Not so.
This isn’t exactly casual conversation.
We have to be more precise in what we’re trying to say.
We have to generate a script.
And rewrite it.
And touch it up.
And write an introduction and a transition.
And a caption mentioning the blog.
The beginning and the end of the video must be trimmed.
To do that, we need to install and pay for Adobe Pro.
To do that we need to install drivers.
Then we have to learn to use these tools.
Meanwhile, how’s the lighting?
The backdrop.
Should we have background music?
How’s our skin tone?
We often begin a pursuit without complete knowledge of what it involves.
Sunday’s Dinner posted on
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
My own picture.
Free for anyone to use.
St. Louis-styled ribs the menu for this day.
I brushed the rack with Asian Oil (sesame oil flavored with fresh garlic, ginger, and scallions), ground a generous amount of black pepper and slid fresh thyme leaves from their stalks onto the rack.
Then I slow-roasted it at 200* for 45 minutes.
I finished it by turning on the broiler and moving the rack to the top shelf, as close to the flames as possible.
Eight minutes on the first side and six on the other gave it excellent color and caramelization.
News re: existentialAutotrip
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
While I have no hesitation in repeating videos day-to-day, I’m hoping to add two more on Tuesday night for posting on Wednesday.
One will be of the “Hey, Dom!” series.
And one will start a thoughtful series, "How're you doing?"
This is our 494th posting.
Hoping to sail through to #5,000 and then reassess.
Note that our goal is to publish each day’s post the evening before, at 6.00pm.
But we always publish by 6.00am of the day due.
A “Hey, Dom!” video.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The Gorilla and the Chihuahua
Chuckle of the Day:
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Something to consider if you have a program that keeps crashing.
Maybe it has a drunk Driver?
We love getting mail.
Contact me at domcapossela@hotmail.com
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
From Kali L, responding to blog entries.
Now I am the one who is dumbfounded
And grateful for everyday magic like this blog for bringing us together
Web Meister responds: You are a terrific support and you add immeasurably to what we’re doing.
Today’s Thumbnail
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The Eagle Nebula is a young open cluster of stars in the constellation Serpens, discovered by Jean-Philippe Loys de Cheseaux in 1745–46.
Both the "Eagle" and the "Star Queen" refer to visual impressions of the dark silhouette near the center of the nebula, an area made famous by the "Pillars of Creation" imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope.
The emission nebula contains several active star-forming gas and dust regions, including the aforementioned pillars.
The lead picture of the Eagle Nebula is a three-color composite mosaic image, based on photographs taken by the Wide Field Imager camera of the MPG/ESO telescope at La Silla Observatory.
The area imaged in Pillars of Creation can be seen in the center, along with other star-forming regions, as well as a large number of stars in front of, in or behind the nebula.
Jean-Philippe Loys de Cheseaux (May 4, 1718 – November 30, 1751) was an astronomer from Lausanne in Switzerland.
In 1746 he presented a list of nebulae, eight of which were his own new discoveries, to the Académie Française des Sciences.
The list was noted privately by Le Gentil in 1759, but only made public in 1892 by Guillaume Bigourdan.
De Cheseaux was among the first to state, in its modern form, what would later be known as Olbers' paradox (that, if the universe is infinite, the night sky should be bright).
De Cheseaux discovered two comets:
C/1743 X1 — with Dirk Klinkenberg and
C/1746 P1
De Cheseaux also did some little-known research into Biblical chronology, attempting to date the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth by analyzing astronomical observations in the Book of Daniel. This work was published posthumously in Mémoires posthumes de M. de Cheseaux (1754).
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
A tip o' the hat (U.S. President Calvin Coolidge, 1924
Thanks to Howard D for his help with video production.
And to the Microsoft team at the Prudential Center for their unflagging availability to help with a constant flow of technological problems.
And to 61+ jokes for providing the material for today’s chuckle.
Always thanks to Wikipedia, the Lead and the Thumbnail sections of the Blog very often shaped from stories taken from that amazing website. They are truly worthy of public support.
Good Morning on this Tuesday, the thirteenth day of August, 2019
I caught a fallen star and put it in my pocketbook.
And now? Gotta go.
Che vuoi? Le pocketbook?
See you soon.
Your love.