GDJ - Анатомия Биология Головной Мозг Мысль Разум
1. A chatbot or chatterbot is a software application used to conduct an on-line chat conversation via text or text-to-speech, in lieu of providing direct contact with a live human agent.
1A. A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the internet
1B. ChatGPT is a free (for now) site that lets users pose questions and give directions to a bot that can answer with term papers, sonnets, recipes — almost anything. In almost any style you specify.
Post for February 5, 2023
# 1592
the Embrace Unveiling
Friend Jack and I meandered to the Boston Common to the unveiling of the heroic sculpture, The Embrace, a paean to MLK soon to become a Boston tourist destination.
This week:
A single sentence review of one of my favorite books read in 2022 and
another short review, of Funny Girl.
Kat’s Gen Z Corner
Kat Capossela: birder, girlfriend, bonne vivante, sister, and daughter. Her gainful employment is press secretary to NY State Senator Brad Holyman.
This is the front cover art for the book Bewilderment written by Richard Powers. The book cover art copyright is believed to belong to the publisher or the cover artist.
If you love nature and close father-son relationships. Made me want to escape to a cabin in the woods.
I've seen over a dozen Broadway shows since moving to New York, and no one performer has stuck out like Lea Michele in Funny Girl.
There was an incredible amount of hype going into this show, and she deserves all of it. Her voice cuts like butter and fills the theater so fully and effortlessly.
People stood up in standing ovation for her even before the show ended -- that's how beautiful her performance was.
Huge demographic shifts are among the reasons pandemic-era worker shortages are expected to be the new normal.
That's why some CEOs at the recent economic summit at Davos, Switzerland say (for now) they plan to hang on to workers — even as they expect to slash costs elsewhere to adjust to a slowing global economy. That sets up what could be vastly different labor market outcomes around the world.
(One outlier is the battered tech sector. Microsoft this week announced it would lay off 10,000 employees — the same day CEO Satya Nadella took the stage in Davos.)
This is the time for working Americans, both in the office and politically, to push the envelope for a fairer share of the fruits of our stunningly successful capitalist economy. A better life for all Americans will swell pocketbooks, increase purchasing, and create even more profits.
CBO Chart, U.S. Holdings of Family Wealth 1989 to 2013.
The top 10% of families held 76% of the wealth in 2013, while the bottom 50% of families held 1%. Inequality increased from 1989 to 2013.
Congressional Budget Office - Congressional Budget Office Trends in Family Wealth, 1989 to 2013
U.S. Holdings of Family Wealth 1989 to 2013
Tucker’s Screen Corner
Favorite Films of 2022 Part 5
This week’s entries are all films I feel were overlooked last year. All brilliant pieces of art in their respective genres and approaches these films somehow didn’t get any recognition (with the exception of maybe Decision to Leave but seeing it not get nominated for Best International Feature at the Oscars proves my theory here. Either way these are all terrific films with talent on full display. I truly hope you enjoy them if you watch.
Please find quick reviews on each of these films here .
Challenge on the Collon Cura
and time with Dusky
Chris’ Angler’s Corner
Chris Capossela, angler, father, husband, brother, and son. When he’s not fishing, he is gainfully employed as CMO of Microsoft.
We fished a challenging stretch of the Collon Cura river today which was very still in many spots, so the fish were picky since they can see your line without any current to mask it. It made each fish we caught feel like a major victory even if the total number was relatively low.
My guide had a bunch of cool tricks up his sleeve that were fun to learn and apply so we still hooked up with some very nice fish including my first largemouth perch of the trip that was super fat (I have video but no pic of that).
Tomorrow, I move to a more remote part of Patagonia for 3 days on the Limay River sleeping on the riverside each night (with no wi-fi or cell service). This is supposed to be some of the more advanced (i.e. frustrating) fishing I’ll get to do, but it should be a great mini-adventure.
I made friends with Dusky, one of the many dogs at the lodge who will play fetch for as long as you are willing.
With looks like these, he gets a lot of fetch time!
Here’s an image of Chris that popped out of nowhere. Thought I’d intrude on his space and post it for smiles.
This is a proud father’s insert.
It’s young Chris, also with a dog.
Our Diet and Our Health
Taking care of ourselves is a lifelong imperative.
But as we age, care of ourselves becomes critical.
I am eighty years old and I cook and eat on the premise that ageing is not an unstoppable freefalling downward spiral.
Our diet can help us resist time’s efforts to wear us down in three different ways: eating healthy foods, managing our weight, and the amazing benefits of preparing our meals.
Diet and Healthy Foods
Some healthy foods including beans, grains, cauliflower, canteloupe, pasta, bread, orange, turkey, fish, carrots, turnips, zucchini, snow peas, string beans, radishes, asparagus, summer squash, lean beef, tomatoes, and potatoes.
When planning meals two or three or four days at a time, you can balance your menu to maximize plant-based food like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and minimize processed food or sweetened beverages.
Here are two concrete examples:
I decided long ago not to eat meat more than once a day. So on days when my main meal has meat, I won’t eat bacon and eggs at another meal.
Delicious and good for us.
But not when meat, meat, meat is imbalancing our diet.
The second example is one of the steps I took after an unpleasant bout with constipation: I amended my diet by inserting an apple (or some other fruit) as a daily snack, pushing out less healthy food choices.
By the way, stay hydrated. A daily intake of sufficient water is required for the normal physiological functioning of the human body.
The act of drinking portrayed in statuary—the figure employs a traditional waterskin
Mbdortmund - Own work
Diet and Weight
Although I am satisfied with my weight, it is desperately easy to gain unwanted poundage and eternal vigilance is the fee to controlling weight gain.
To forestall unwanted poundage, I used trial and error to create an eating rhythm that’s so comfortable for my life that I happily adhere to it. To state the obvious, of course I do make exceptions, perhaps twice weekly.
A volunteer adjusts the schedule board at Wikimania 2007.
Kat Walsh - Own work
Here is my unique, almost shocking, Daily Eating Timetable.
I wake at 5.00am and have half a sweet roll with a lot of butter. A lot of butter, but only half a roll.
At 8.00am, that’s right, at 8.00 in the morning, I have my main meal. In the next three days I will be eating roast duck, swordfish, and spare ribs. This is the only time of the day I drink alcohol: 10-12oz of wine or a bit less than 3oz of hard liquor. Everyday. One or the other. I eat until I am satisfied. I try not to eat more than that.
I don’t eat again until about noon when I visit a café and have a cortado with oat milk. The milk is creamy and orally pleasing.
I get home about 2.00pm and I eat a chocolate dessert. Two chocolate chip cookies. Or half of a slice of a rich chocolate cake. Or a brownie. Or a Georgetown chocolate frosted chocolate cupcake.
My last meal is at 5.00pm. This is almost always a bowl of Miso Soup, (I make it myself. It’s delicious and satisfying and low in calories.) I follow the soup with an apple, and that, often, with a 40-calorie popsicle.
C’est ca. Eating is over. About 11 hours follows when I eat nothing at all. Of course this modified fasting is made easier since I’m sleeping half of that time.
Bronze statue of Eros sleeping, 3rd century BC–early 1st century AD
Wikipedia Loves Art participant "shooting_brooklyn" - Uploaded from the Wikipedia Loves Art photo pool on Flickr
Bronze statue of Eros sleeping, 3rd century B.C.–early 1st century A.D. Greek or Roman Bronze; length 33 9/16 in. (85.24 cm) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Rogers Fund, 1943 (43.11.4) View at the Metropolitan Museum of Art website Wikipedia Loves Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Diet and Meal Preparation
I don’t think it’s jarring to introduce Meal Preparation into a discussion of dieting because Meal Preparation is a brilliant way for older folk to stay healthy. Let’s look at some of the reasons.
We are warned to keep intellectually engaged, keep the mind active. “People who habitually read, write, and otherwise process information are less likely to experience mental declines late in life. Mental stimulation is extremely valuable in slowing down cognitive decline.”
Well, planning your meals, say for three or four days out, is just the intellectual exercise necessary for us to forestall mental declines.
We are warned to stay socially engaged. Well, call a friend. Call two friends. Ask them if they have any experience cooking this or that dinner. Ask questions. Think which technique or ingredient sounds good for you.
Stay active, we are told. Well, get out of the house and do the shopping. Walk to the store (s) if it is at all possible. At least walk the supermarket aisles. Then carry the bags, to the car, into your home. Put them away. Prepare the dinner.
And when you eat the meal, eat with grace and elegance, even lighting a candle and playing edifying music.
Historical oven baking, in a painting by Jean-François Millet, 1854
Jean-François Millet - The Yorck Project (2002) 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei (DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202.
Bletchley Park
Bletchley Park is an English country house and estate in Bletchley, Milton Keynes (Buckinghamshire) that became the principal center of Allied code-breaking during the Second World War. During World War II, the estate housed the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS), which regularly penetrated the secret communications of the Axis Powers – most importantly the German Enigma and Lorenz ciphers. The GC&CS team of codebreakers included Alan Turing, Gordon Welchman, Hugh Alexander, Bill Tutte, and Stuart Milner-Barry. The nature of the work at Bletchley remained secret until many years after the war.
According to the official historian of British Intelligence, the "Ultra" intelligence produced at Bletchley shortened the war by two to four years, and without it the outcome of the war would have been uncertain. The team at Bletchley Park devised automatic machinery to help with decryption, culminating in the development of Colossus, the world's first programmable digital electronic computer.
Chuckles and Thoughts
There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday.
That time is age 11.
~ Dave Barry
Them dam Beavers
Mail and other Conversation
We love getting mail, email, or texts, including links.
Send comments to
or text to 617.852.7192
Our friend Howard D says:
“I offer you this:
‘I want to be lonely no longer, but to learn again to be a human being.’ Friedrich Nietzsche
It’s a quote it’s alleged Marlon Brando kept taped to his dressing room mirror earlier in his career.”
Blog meister responds: Nice.
American actor Marlon Brando in a publicity photo for the film One-Eyed Jacks (1961).
American film in the public domain: Publicity photos have traditionally not been copyrighted.
And this from son Chris Capossela, CMO of Microsoft who cautions us:
“All the layoffs in tech right now are in the context of massive hiring over the last few years. So the employee growth still far outweighs the cuts being announced.
Doesn’t make it easier but interesting to put it in perspective.”
Blog meister responds: Well spoke.
Short Essay*
A chatbot or chatterbot is a software application used to conduct an on-line chat conversation via text or text-to-speech, in lieu of providing direct contact with a live human agent. Designed to convincingly simulate the way a human would behave as a conversational partner, chatbot systems typically require continuous tuning and testing, and many in production remain unable to adequately converse, while none of them can pass the standard Turing test. (The Turing test is a test for intelligence in a computer, requiring that a human being should be unable to distinguish the machine from another human being by using the replies to questions put to both.)
Chatbots are used in dialog systems for various purposes including customer service, request routing, or information gathering. While some chatbot applications use extensive word-classification processes, natural-language processors, and sophisticated AI, others simply scan for general keywords and generate responses using common phrases obtained from an associated library or database.
Most chatbots are accessed on-line via website popups or through virtual assistants. They can be classified into usage categories that include: commerce (e-commerce via chat), education, entertainment, finance, health, news, and productivity.
Designed to convincingly simulate the way a human would behave as a conversational partner, chatbot systems typically require continuous tuning and testing, and many in production remain unable to adequately converse, while none of them can pass the standard Turing test.[3] The term "ChatterBot" was originally coined by Michael Mauldin (creator of the first Verbot) in 1994 to describe these conversational programs.
Chatbots are used in dialog systems for various purposes including customer service, request routing, or information gathering. While some chatbot applications use extensive word-classification processes, natural-language processors, and sophisticated AI, others simply scan for general keywords and generate responses using common phrases obtained from an associated library or database.
Most chatbots are accessed on-line via website popups or through virtual assistants. They can be classified into usage categories that include: commerce (e-commerce via chat), education, entertainment, finance, health, news, and productivity.
*The Blog Meister selects the topics for the Lead Picture and the Short Essay and then leans heavily or exclusively on Wikipedia to provide the content. The Blog Meister usually edits the entries.
**Community Pictures with Captions are sent in by our followers. Feel free to send in yours to